The value of quitting, part 1 (TLDR)

TLDR Outline:

  • Improvisational jazzzzzzzzz

  • The Positivity playlist: an essential tool for ‘times like these’

  • If you’re tired, sad, or feel like giving up… maybe it’s a good thing

  • The value of quitting

  • Introducing Art Frame vs Game Frame

  • Why I decided to scrap my business and start over


Wuzzzup motherfuckkkkerszzzzz?!????!!!!!!! THIS LETTER IS A CREATIVE BOMB of HEARTFELT EXPRESSION brought to you by AN UNBRANDED FOOL (that’s me). Pardon the overly-enthusiastic start; I’m currently listening to my Positivity playlist on Spotify, which makes me feel all FREE and INSPIRED. 

(If you click the link, be forewarned: my playlist contains an inordinate amount of Disney songs).

I created a Positivity playlist because it’s one of my ‘life tools’ for when I need a little musical medication for my mood.

The Positivity playlist has been on heavy rotation lately. Why? You guessed it: I haven’t been feeling very positive. If I may, I’ll give you a quick overview, with the suspicion that I’m not the only one out there feeling one or more of the following:…read more

Sara McBeen